Saturday, October 4, 2014

Thank you men!

I am a woman.

I am a mother, a sister, a daughter, a wife; but I am more than that. I am me.

Every time I achieve a new milestone, I get a bit more appreciation than my other counterpart; because I am a woman.

Even in a crowded street with no breathing space, men ensure I am not pushed around; because I am a woman.

When I enter a general compartment of a Local train, more often than not, someone gets up and offers me a seat; because I am a woman.

I have special reservations everywhere, right from school admission to job selection to ladies compartment to parliament; because I am a woman.

I get away with bad driving, scratching someone else's car and at times, even minor accidents; because I am a woman.

My colleagues don't mind taking over my part of job at late evenings because they know I juggle between the kid and my job; because I am a woman.

I can express all my emotions when I want to and the way I want to, unlike my male counterparts; because I am a woman.

While every case where the male counterparts make my life difficult is analyzed and highlighted with a microscope; no one takes time to highlight the million cases where they try to make my life easier.

Here is to those millions of heroes who make it easier for me, a small gesture at a time!!!


  1. unfortunately such heroes are very rare

    1. Not actually! See them day in and day out... Have been that person many a times... Its just that these acts are taken for granted, taken too casually or at times, taken as our duty!

    2. you wish to be thanked for those little courtesies too???

    3. Precisely what I am trying to highlught. I dont wish to be thanked for that single gesture, but for a lot of such gestures in general; some appreciation would be appreciated. I am yet to see a woman get up for an old man in a park or in a bus because they think the men around will get up and that they can prefer to sit.
      This is not about our chivalry; its about women's taken for granted attitude to that chivalry

  2. Except the last line....dislike

    1. You disliking it does not make it false. Even you know this is true!

  3. Very bold indeed Priyank...u dared to touch upon a rare subject and also risked being called unfashionable, misogynist, unfriendly etc...

    1. Tell me if I went overboard... But I think you will agree to me on this one!

  4. I wouldn't say I disagree with what you have written but then it is nevertheless only one side of the coin!

    1. I would rather say its the other side of the coin. The first side has been written on by many again and again and again.

  5. You're entitled to your opinion, of course... But damn, I wonder why women need a separate compartment to begin with? And I'm not sure which women and which offices you're around, but I was never given more recognition for a promotion or less work in the evening. And am guessing most women wouldn't need to go home early to take care of their kids, if perhaps their husbands were helping out?

    And dude, if men feel theyre not allowed to emote, then its their issues of not being able to deal with societal pressure, no? Just like every girl is asked if she's PMSing just because she didn't like something?

    Oh well, women can get away with driving badly, men with cooking badly or housework... The List can go on and can never be generalized... But to each his own.

    1. I wonder the same too! Why separate compartments?
      Whether you agree or not, office environment is different at most places for men and women.

      However, this is in no way to highlight it in wrong light. It was just to state that chivalry should not be taken for granted.
      If someone if being nice to you, dont consider it their duty, but their generosity and appreciate it.

    2. Err...separate compartments due to safety? If some men behaved, women would be fine traveling in a normal compartment. God knows thats more comfortable than being squashed between big aunties with big purses and bigger assets.

      And I do think most women do appreciate chivalry, because while not a birth right for women, there are very few men today who do believe that chivalry is a way of being, and not a favour. But for those who do, I would say, thank you.

  6. Yup... on the same page now.

    Though not with the compartment part. Its more like the chicken and egg story. If there were no separate compartments, women would be safe in general compartment; like a bus for instance. Now that there are separate compartments, some jerks think women entering general compartment (not gents compartment, but general) are out of line.
    So yeah again, why ladies compartment?
